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NIPH: Alcohol Policy in Slovenia: Opportunities for Reducing Harm and Cost

18. 11. 2016 | Mosa | news

The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) has released the publication Alcohol policy in Slovenia: Opportunities for reducing harm and cost, which provides a concise and with colorful infographics enriched review of the latest findings concerning the extent of alcohol-related problems in Slovenia.
This publication is primarily aimed at Slovenian policy makers since it contains both data on the alcohol use, related harm and costs, as well as a short review of the existing alcohol legislation in Slovenia and a list of evidence-based effective alcohol policy measures that are not yet in place in Slovenia.

It will be also very useful to experts, providers of the prevention programs and several other important stakeholders dealing with alcohol issue and interested in the topic. One of the authors’ most important messages is that the success of the alcohol policy efforts depends upon the involvement and cooperation of all key stakeholders. "The publication reminds us of the common goal of all the relevant stakeholders dealing with ​​alcohol issue – to reduce hazardous and harmful alcohol use and related adverse consequences. It’s a friendly, optimistic but at the same time highly resolute reminder of the fact that several effective alcohol policy measures are still untapped in Slovenia," said publication coeditor Maša Serec from the National Institute of Public Health.
The authors’ main emphases:

1)      The alcohol use in Slovenia remains a serious problem.

2)      Alcohol-related harm strongly affects the government funds.

3)      Adoption of evidence-based alcohol policy measures is beneficial for harm-reduction.

4)      Slovenia has not introduced all possible evidence-based alcohol policy measures yet.

5)      The Slovenian public strongly supports both, the already implemented measures as well as the yet untapped effective alcohol policy measures.

The publication is available here. 


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