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Campaign report on "Children for road safety"

16. 12. 2016 | Mosa | news

In November, number of Slovenian regions carried out a campaign "Children for road safety." The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness about the consequences of alcohol consumption among the participants in traffic. Regional Units of the National Institute for Public Health have held drawn art competition for primary schools and kindergartens for many years now. Participating schools and kindergartens are dealing with issues related to alcohol and traffic with approaches, appropriate for children. Under the guidance of mentors and cooperation with parents children create drawings with messages on the topic of road safety. On 11th of November, st. Martins day, when traditionally there are wine festivities, celebrating the maturation of the wine, police regularly increases the level of road safety control. In the campaign police accompanied by children stopped the drivers, carried out controls of the documents and then gave the drivers children's drawings and a brochure on alcohol and wished them a happy journey.


Celje  Kranj




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